Bee Kind

Why do we need bees and what can we do to help them?

This was a year 9 expedition delivered in the summer term of 2018 to the class of 2022.

The learning targets were :

  • I can explain colony collapse disorder and the factors that potentially cause it
  • I can explain how photosynthetic organisms are the producers of biomass for life on Earth
  • I can describe the functional anatomy of typical flowering plants
  • I can describe the process of photosynthesis and its limiting factors
  • I can provide my local community with service and information about the area
  • I can solve problems relating to the interior angles of polygons and angle properties of different shapes
  • I can plan, design and cost a Bee friendly area to be planted at XP school

The expedition focused on the plight of bees in the UK and the wider world and how different factors including human influence are resulting in colony collapse disorder.

We began the expedition by going on an immersion experience visiting local beekeepers hives where we could see how bees live and work and the problems that beekeepers face in keep their hives thriving.

The expedition then went on to look at ways that we could personally help bees and found that by raising awareness in the community and encouraging others to do their bit would help safeguard the future of bees. We worked with Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council to develop additional wildflower sites across the town and on the school site and produced information panels and materials for the council to publish on their social media accounts.

To do this we needed to understand the behaviour of bees and the types of flower that they are attracted to. We looked at plant and flower anatomy, plant reproduction and the genetics behind developing an attractive and productive flower to help power our bees and sustain our food sources. We also looked at how much most of the world’s fauna relies on bees and pollinators for a sustainable food source, and without them much of what we eat and rely on today would not exist.

The expedition was culminated with an information evening delivered to parents and stakeholders at XP.

All resources relating to this expedition can be found below:

Expedition Posts

Final Product – Interpretation Panels

Examples will appear here shortly


This expedition was also completed in 2017 by C21.

C21 Final Product – Interpretation Panels

Examples will appear here shortly