A ‘Wheel-y’ good time at Wabtec for Y11!

…get it? Train wheels?!

This week saw Y11 visit WABTEC Rail, the former site of the Doncaster Plant Works. As part of component 2 for their exam (History Around Us), students have been studying The Doncaster Plant Works.

We got to see the work shops where the famous ‘Flying Scotsman’ was built as well as the ‘Mallard’, which still holds the world record for the fastest steam locomotive. We got to see some original workshops, some new workshops… and some that have changed, but the structures still remain as they are listed buildings! The visit also helped us to understand the significance of the site, not only locally, but also nationally – Doncaster was put on the map because of it’s rich coal seams, and perfect geographical location to ship this out country-wide!

We discussed how the site has changed over time and why; the sites turning points in history; its significance both locally; nationally and internationally; as well as looking for historical evidence. We noticed the HUGE windows to let in natural light, the tall workshops to allow locomotives to be brought in, and lots of suspended cranes to work on the top of the locomotives! The workers were so knowledgable about the site over time, too, which will really support Y11’s studies!

X26’s conduct was impeccable, with workers at WABTEC commenting on how impressed they were with student’s knowledge, respect, and questioning!

Ben and Alex even got to have a go at tightening up some huge ‘bogeys’ (where axels attach on the underneath of a train)… maybe an apprenticeship is on the cards! Awesome work, Y11. We’re super impressed!

Miss Cocliff, Mrs Hannam, Mrs Batty, Mrs Burnitt & Mrs Pulham x

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