A Word From Reuben on Kindness:

This week Crew JNI have been working really hard to get lots of work done. I have seen lots of beautiful work from everyone and it’s made me proud to be your crew leader!

It’s been interesting reading the work you guys have been doing on your expedition on kindness, and I wanted to share a piece of work Reuben has done.

It is in answer to the question:

What would the world look like without kindness?

Without any kindness, the world would be gloomy, grey and depressing. In school the teachers would be mean and harsh and give you terrible scores on everything on purpose. School dinners would be raw uncooked chicken and cold thick gravy, and all of the students would nudge each others shoulders when they pass each other in the corridor.  People would stick chewing gum under the desks and in each other’s hair.

At home my mum would be horrible and mean by giving me loads of extra chores. My sister would torment me and steal all my money. Also, my dog would bark at me and everyone else all the time, he would also poo in my favourite shoes.

When you walked outside, you would see dead grass. People would also be wearing horrible hand knitted sweaters that were made to feel horrible because they’re made of yarn filled with pollen that causes hay-fever. When you got on the bus there would be gum everywhere and the driver would be late every time on purpose. In shops and supermarkets there would be old chicken that they got out the bin covered in cold gravy.

If you met an old lady on the street she would hit you with her cane and torment me for being young…. And I would run away!!

I think it’s safe to say, no one wants to live in a world like that. Well done Reuben on such a descriptive and emotive piece of work.

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