X23 Art product

X23 have an Art deadline for the expedition ‘What should we remember”

The deadline is on Friday 21st December: study sheets and final product needs to be handed in on this day.

You should have the following:
– 8 images that will help them with the guiding question ‘what should we remember’, stuck in to your sketch book and annotated.
-1 coloured pencil, propaganda poster: annotated
-1 collage, propaganda poster: annotated
-1 Paint section, propaganda poster: annotated
-1 charcoal study, Otto Dix: annotated
-1 pen study, otto dix: annotated
-2 linear studies of
-Final Product (poster depicting ‘what we should remember’, 100 years since the end of WW1.
-Narrative for product

I am available on a Wednesday for extended study if students would like to work in PO8, also they can do it on other days but I am around to help on a Wednesday. Art folders can also be taken home to complete work, this should allow them to meet the deadline.

Thank you, Mrs Cross