Crew EJN are adjusting

Crew EJN had their first google hangout video chat on Tuesday. Callum, Tammy, Harrison, Brandan and Arthur checked in. It was so nice to see their faces and just have a general chat about how they are finding things at home.

There were some worries and concerns from a few of my crew that they were going to ‘get depressed’ while they were off. I told them that this is a very strange time and that they’re going to have a lot of ups and downs. At first, they might think that its fun and exciting to be off school and to have free time – but sometimes, its not that good really. I told them that their routine has been totally changed and that is totally out of their control. I told them that even though I sound like a boring, old lady – that the best thing they can do is be kid to themselves, eat well, sleep well (not too much), make sure they go out for fresh air and exercise and try and do their school work. Just to try their best!

It would be lovely for the whole crew to get together for the next hangout so we can catch up, do a quiz or make each other laugh. I might make us a crew Kahoot!

We have also kept in touch by using the google chat facility that we have access to which has been really good for asking about the work that has been set and getting advice and support (again, not all of crew EJN are active in that chat – and it would be really good if everyone got involved asap).

I have created a shared slide show for crew EJN to document their time in ‘lockdown’ so they can look back on it and reflect on the things they did with their time. I have also been updating them on what my daughter and I have been doing. I have found that this has helped me realise that I am actually doing OK and don’t need to worry too much.

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