Beautiful art work in X22!

Ebonie has been working hard with Mr Mably to practice techniques in art to work towards her GCSE exam.

This year’s exam theme is Events -Ebonie’s ideas surround different events to do with climate change. Take a look at the result of her hard work below – some are still in progress!


Looking at the Australian Wildfires – a work in progress.

Practising techniques to create a realistic Sun!

My personal favourite – playing with techniques to create a Galaxy effect!

Great work Ebonie, and a big thank you to Mr Mably for your support!

X22 Exam Prep for Art, Craft and Design

X22 have embarked on their Final Art GCSE exam paper and have been given 8 weeks to prepare for their 10 hour exam. This is the timetable that shows what work needs to be completed within the time period. We are on week 3 and in their sketch book they should have a mind map with their ideas and a spider diagram. By next week they should have a total of 6 drawings in different media from the work of other artists that they have researched. Could parents please check to see if they are on-track at home as they should be completing extended study every week.











As you can see they are close to completing their Art GCSE and their final exam will be after the half term.