Stewardship clearly aligns with our design principle of ‘building our community’ and its related guiding question, ‘what do we need to survive, sustain and thrive?’ and ‘How are we moving towards where we want to be?’
We all need appropriate resources and an environment conducive to high quality work: we ensure this at XP Trust through our commitment to stewardship. To know what we need, we need to know what we’ve got. This has a massive impact on the finances of our schools as we don’t over order because we know what’s in our cupboards, why it is there and that we need to look after it.
While the room / area stewards ensure that their area is degunged and appropriate protocols are formed each term, it is every member of staff and each student’s responsibility to leave rooms and areas tidy and fit for purpose as we are all stewards of our community.
In order to promote stewardship effectively across the Trust:
Each school has a Lead Steward who works alongside the Head of School and the Trust Steward Lead to ensure our schools are appropriate environments for our staff and students to work in.
Each room and area of the school, e.g. communal areas and dining halls have a named Steward who is accountable for that area. They implement any necessary and specific protocols and inventories and hold staff that use the area to account.
Stewards are given time each term to ensure a thorough degunge of the area is done ensuring staff that have used the area remove any items that are not needed in there before the end of term so that it is a blank canvas ready for staff the following term.
In addition to the above, we employ cleaning staff that use specialist products and equipment to clean and sanitise our schools. This can only be done if rooms and areas of the school are tidy. Staff and students ensure time for degunge, by tidying the room or area they’ve used, before the end of every session.
Our culture at XP is to ‘leave no trace’ or to leave a space even better than we found it. Stewardship is the way we ensure this is accomplished.