We would like to invite parents and carers to Y11’s Teacher-Student Led conferences on Wednesday, 27th November 2024.
These conferences will provide parents with an opportunity to meet with subject-specific teachers, allow students to discuss and reflect on their progress in different subjects following their recent mock exams and look at areas for development as they move into Y11.
Students will be given a booking form which will allow them to book a time between 15:30 and 18:30. These will be booked on a first come first served basis so please ask your child to see their booking form and suggest a time to meet teaching staff.
The lovely Year 5 & 6 children have been learning all about Children in Need this week and why the cause is so important. They wanted to raise more awareness, so even more children could be supported. We hope you like their version of ‘I’ll Stand by You’ as we stand with everyone who needs the support!
Beautiful Curation at Green Top
Check out these recent beautiful curations at Green Top School from our Comms Crew!
Crew @ Plover
We asked our students at Plover what Crew looks like and what it means to be Crew – this was their response.
XP Trust – Protecting our Planet
On Friday 15 November Koen Timmers, the world renowned climate educator, visited XP Doncaster to present our students with a plaque entitled, ‘Climate Action Heroes’ in recognition of the work done by students across our Trust in pursuit of our curriculum seam of ‘Protecting Our Planet.’
The recognition is also for being part of the Climate Action Project which allows us to connect with students and learners from across the globe to find practical and impactful solutions to the climate emergency.
Meeting Professional Athletes
Last term, students met a few of the Doncaster Rovers first team players and were able to have photos and get autographs from the players. Students asked questions about the life of a professional athlete and the journey that the players have been on playing for different clubs. It was great to hear the players speak about our character traits and how these character traits link to sport.
In the same week, students visited Hill House school to listen to Olympic gold medal GB hockey player Sam Quek. Her experience as an athlete and the ups and downs she has faced really helped our students to understand that if you want something in life you have to work hard for it! Students were able to have a photo and ask questions to Sam at the end – they even held her gold medal.
Another amazing week of PE and extra curricular. 13 of our students participated in the Doncaster cross country competition with 3 of them qualifying for the South Yorkshire finals in January. We look forward to them competing in the next round.
Thursday saw 6 of our KS3 students compete in the Doncaster badminton competition.
Another very busy week next week:
Tuesday –
Girls football practice
KS4 Badminton practice
Wednesday –
Y7/8 Girls netball away – Pick up at Hall cross lower school at 5pm
Y7 boys football away – Pick up at 5.30pm from XP
Y9/10 Girls football at home – Pick up at 5pm from XP
Check out how incredible this independent revision work is from Danni in X28 – Revising now for your English Literature texts is awesome – what a way to Get Smart! Well done, Danni!
We’ve finally got the GCSE certificates in school for C26, and so we can now formally invite you to the presentation evening for this.
This will be held at XP East on Thursday, December 5th 2024, beginning at 5pm until 6:15pm. Please mark the calendars – it would be awesome to catch up with you all!
Another busy week on the PE front! With the start of the new term, Badminton has made appearance on the extracurricular timetable and it got underway with over 30 students in attendance. This was great to see ahead of the KS3 competition next week against other Doncaster schools!
Netball, girls football and cheerleading have all continued, along with the year 7 and 8 girls attending a football tournament at Hayfield school which saw them go unbeaten with two wins and two draws, whilst only conceding one goal in the whole tournament!
The year 10 boys were also in action this week as they narrowly missed out on advancing to the next round of the national cup, only to be beaten on penalties by Snaith school.
In lessons all learners have been working away on their final week of their current sports in preparation for the next sporting block starting. We have also had the continued pleasure of students from Club Doncaster Sports College coming in and doing some lesson delivery as part of their level 3 BTEC in Sport Coaching and Development.s with CDSC.
Finally we look forward to another busy week on the PE front next week.