As many agencies now ask for parents to have engaged with services such as Early Help or parenting courses before being placed on a pathway or seeking professional support, we are sharing this information we have had in the hope of supporting parents.
This morning Crew Peake and Crew Sinfield celebrated a great start to the term by spending crew in the sports hall. Students completed a game of corner football.
It was fantastic to see students working together and encouraging team members to keep going.
We ended the session with students sharing apologies and appreciations.
Brilliant start to the week and we both hope crews will continue to increase their praises and have the best term!
This week in PE we started our new enrichment timetable, which saw an large number of students attending. Let keep it up.
On Wednesday a group of our BTEC Sport leaders supported active fusion with the indoor primary athletics. The group led events demonstrating many of our character traits.
Thursday was another great day in PE as students represented XP/XP East at the indoor athletics. We had some excellent performances, huge well done to everyone who participated. Looking forward to summer.
Next week in PE
Monday- Year 10 boys football away return at 5.30
Tuesday- Boys football practice and cheerleading practice. 3.30-.4.30
Wednesday- Year 8 netball tournament return at 5.45. Year 7/8 girls football away return at 5.15pm.
Thursday- BTEC sport and health and social care learning labs 3.30-4.30
This week C27 were able to tour the historic plantworks site in Hexthorpe, Donaster. Here they took a tour of the Wabtec facility from the HVAC testing shop to the erecting house which was home to the legendary Flying Scotsman. The students were able to take in the history of the location as they were escorted around the 22 acre site seeing where it reached to at the height of production, spanning a staggering 90 acres. The site has been an integral part of our community for more than 170 years employing thousands of local people who worked numerous jobs from labourers to master craftspeople. The plant was also an integral part of the war effort with Doncaster women becoming ‘Munitionettes’, working long hours in dangerous conditions.
With the future of the site being discussed this may well be the last cohort from XP Trust to visit such an important part of Doncasters heritage. With this area of Hexthorpe being home to such historic achievements and listed buildings it really was a privilege to be welcomed into this local slice of industry.
On July 9th, XP/E students will have the chance to visit Parliament. This is an excellent opportunity for pupils to find out more about Parliament and includes a tour of the Palace of Westminster and an engaging curriculum-informed workshop in the Education Centre.
Students in Year 7 to Year 10 are encouraged to apply by Friday 14th of March. All details on how to apply are outlined in the letter and presentation! We look forward to reading your applications.
XP Gateshead is hiring! We’re seeking dedicated educators for History, English, Spanish and Arts. Join us in shaping the future of learning. Apply now: