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Beautiful Work This Week

XPGPHC – How can we continue to make progress in public health?

Year 9 students at XPG have embarked on their “You Give Me Fever” Expedition, which has culminated in their inaugural Public Health conference, addressing the challenges of public health amidst the cost-of-living crisis. Through three case studies examining historical and current health influences, they explored the impact of living conditions, government structures, and scientific advancements on people’s well-being.

This comprehensive analysis has also resulted in a formal report that presented key health risks for Gateshead’s residents, particularly in the context of the cost-of-living crisis. The report will be shared with the Health and Social Care Committee in Parliament.

Art takes flight at XPG!

Freya, a Year 7 student at XP Gateshead has created a beautiful piece of work that has been awarded a place in one of the most prestigious art galleries in the world. The Royal Academy is famous for showcasing new and established artists, bringing their work to a whole new audience. 

The Young Artists Summer show, which is open for submissions to students studying in the UK aged from 4 – 19, opens in London on the 16th July and runs until the 11th August.

Freya’s painting Mr Pigeon was part of the expedition ‘Do your bit’ and honours the sacrifice that carrier pigeons made during WW1 and has been chosen from 21,500 other submissions. A remarkable achievement for a clearly talented and inspiring young artist. 

We’ll follow up this story when Freya’s artwork is in place at the Royal Academy!

Is Science enough to save lives?

As part of their Expedition ‘You Give Me Fever’, C28 celebrated their learning this week – complete with a gallery of their incredible artwork. They shared scientific writing about diseases and their impact on society, dating back to the middle ages.

They sold their prints to raise money for their DofE Expedition – and the content will also be made into a book later in the year!

Top of the Blogs

Weekly Update for Families @ XP Gateshead

How can we save our seas? @ Norton Infants

Community Crew @ Green Top

How do you make ice cream? @ Plover

Caring for our sunflowers @ Carcroft School

Mindboggling Mayans @ Norton Junior School

Visit to the National Holocaust Museum @ XP School

Year 9 Sharing Portfolios with Visitors @ XP East

Join our Crew – we’re looking for a Maths Teacher at XP Doncaster!

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

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