Year 7 Admiral/X30 Getting Smart in Spanish

This term Year 7 Admiral are learning to talk about where they live. Today they met the vocabulary for rooms in a home, and they worked together to build sentences to describe a house. Each student in the group had a role to play: one identified the graphic and reported it to the person acting as the dictionary. It was their job to use the sentence builder to make a sentence in Spanish. The scribe had the responsibility of writing the sentence alongside the graphic, and then the proofreader checked for accuracy. Students met their HOWLs target of “I can show kindness by working well with other people in my group” and then they were also able to report back in Spanish about what rooms were contained in their house. ¡Muy buen trabajo!

C30 Year 7: Hearing the stories of mining

This last couple of weeks have been really busy in Humanities. Students have had the opportunity to hear a range of perspectives on mining. Just before half term Professor Natalie from Reading University came into school to talk to the students about the history of the 1984-85 Miners Strike as well as her role at Reading University. It was lovely to see and hear Year 7 working hard and getting smart throughout the session.

This week students had the opportunity to listen to miners sharing their stories. A big thank you to Miss Cunningham for organising these visits as well as to all our miners who brought in artefacts and images that really gave us insight into what their jobs involved. We learnt that each miner would have a specific number and handed in ‘checks’ before going underground. As well as handling davy lamps, gas masks and a piece of coal that was so big it could have kept a fire burning for over 3 hours!

This week we begin our work on our biography writing and song lyrics inspired by the miner’s stories.

Finally, just a reminder of a date for your diaries:

Tuesday 12th December is the XP Year 7 Presentation of Learning

Wednesday 13th December is the XP East Year 7 Presentation of Learning

X30 Fieldwork to National Coal Mining Museum 6th October

Students in X30 Year 7 will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum on Friday 6th October. This fieldwork will be part of students expedition “From the Ground up”. We will leave school at 8.30am and return by 3.15pm. Students will need to bring a bag with:

A packed lunch (students on free school meals will be provided with a lunch), a pen / pencil / pencil case to complete work during the day and a warm coat as part of the day is outside.

If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their crew leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made.

If you have any queries please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

X30 getting into Spanish

Year 7 are learning to talk about themselves in Spanish this term. They have learned to say “My name is…” and “I live in…” and to count to 15 so they can say their age. They did their first J.O.L.T. (Jump On Learning Targets), going back to their work and improving it by acting on feedback. It’s their first attempt at beautiful work and they are off to a great start!