There have been many tired faces seen today!
Day 2 began with a room inspection from the Outward Bound Team and we have to admit C31 set the bar high for future year groups! Though there may have been some difficulties initially making beds, scores of 9 and 9.5 filled the board! Craftmanship and Quality is often one of the more challenging of our Character Traits to master but these guys are smashing it!
As the day went on we were engaged in a variety of activities (mostly water based, which we have loved!) and slept in a number of different areas across the Lake District, including camping under the stars listening for the owls!
Though there are many stories to share, we know your children are enthusiastic to do this upon their return. Each and every one of them have stepped outside of their comfort zone, shown Courage, Respect and Compassion beyond description. We are unbelievably proud of them!
The plan tomorrow is to leave the centre at 1pm. We will be stopping at Scotch Corner for the drivers and our lunch and then making our way back to school. We will be parked at the front of school (where we left from).
You should park in Car Park 3 and walk to meet us there (this will avoid fines!). Your child will be released by their Crew Leader when they have seen you.
The journey is expected to take around 4 hours, therefore we will see you at school at 5pm all being well! We will continue to update tomorrow to be more precise.