x31 are on their way back to Doncaster after a lovely sunny day at the Staffordshire Regiment Museum! Students have been awesome! Our current ETA is 3.30pm but we will let you know if any delays! see you soon.
x31 are on their way back to Doncaster after a lovely sunny day at the Staffordshire Regiment Museum! Students have been awesome! Our current ETA is 3.30pm but we will let you know if any delays! see you soon.
This term we have been looking at mental health in our Wise Wednesday sessions in crew. All students have approached this maturely and we have had so really thoughtful and in-depth discussions. This week crew made posters to round off our topic to display in our crew room. Fab work from all! Mrs Barnes
Take a look into X31 Skipper’s classroom, where they have been working hard crafting and practicing their fluency skills in English! Students have embraced the challenge of building their fluency and comprehension skills through one of our anchor text stories, ‘A Storm in a Teashop‘, focusing on the events during the First World War. It … Continued
C31 students have kicked off the term with an incredible first week of immersion! They have been working hard, getting smart, and being kind as they tried to figure out what their new expedition will be about. Many came close with their guesses, but the big reveal happened on Friday — and it was worth … Continued
Crew KBA were thinking of ways we could raise money for our chosen charity ‘Helping Hands’ who help families around Doncaster. We came up with guess the penguins name. This was decided as this could be priced at 50p and also the person who guessed correctly would receive the penguin before Christmas. With 40 people … Continued
This week in our wise Wednesday time we looked at online safety. students were asked to write down ‘helpful’ and ‘unhelpful’ online behaviours and display them on the board. Here are just a few of the examples that were added. The discussions around this were great and all of crew were active members in this … Continued
This week in crew I asked crew members to find a piece of work or something they have done that they are proud of. Students sent both written work and art work either completed in school or in their free time. We noticed that these were really individual and that they gave an insight to … Continued
Crew KBA have been working hard in sessions and it has been great to drop in and see so many students creating beautiful work and giving brilliant suggestions to discussions. Here are just a few examples that I managed to capture. I look forward to seeing parents and carers during the SLC’s (student led conferences) … Continued
Wow! After an action packed few days at Outward Bound where Crew KBA really had to learn the art of working together to ensure everyone (myself included) made it through the experience. We had tears and lots of laughter through out the activities but I am proud to say that every member or our crew … Continued
We had a great week on Outward Bound. Everyone in the crew tried something new and was challenged to show courage. The week began with a quick plunge into Ullswater which certainly woke us all up after a long coach journey! The challenges continued with gorge walking, waterfall climbing and a lengthy hike up Hallin … Continued