Last week the Year 7 Netball teams took part in a tournament with a number of different schools in Doncaster. The teams dedication, team work and resilience paid off having numerous wins across both teams.

The Year 9 Netball team then had a game at home which they unfortunately didn’t win. However, the girls put on a great fight and the skills they had been working hard on during training showed during their match and they did not stop until the final whistle!

The Year 7, 9 and 10 boys football teams have had 2 football games in the past week with the 9s winning both their games and the other teams putting on a fantastic performance but unfortunately couldn’t quite claim victory.

We have lots of new extra curricular clubs happening after the Easter break and we hope to see lots of new and familiar faces. Keep your eyes peeled for what is coming up.

Team PE

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