Crew SMI have had another busy term. From visiting a Gurdwara to running a mile for the British Heart Foundation, Crew SMI have well and truly done it all this term. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we’ve made it through as a crew. We’d like to share a couple of our highlights from this term.
Highlight 1 – Passing our SLCs
We spent a few weeks preparing for our Student Led Conferences, gathering work to show our parents – work we were proud of, work we found challenging and work we needed to further improve. We all worked really hard to put together a presentation showing these pieces of work. Everyone completed their SLC and passed! Here’s a few of us with our certificates.

Highlight 2 – World Book Day
Crew SMI decided to dress up as characters from the famous book ‘The Lorax’ by Dr. Suess. We spent a few days planning our outfits, ensuring everyone had a character to portray. Then on the day, we arrived early and got into our costumes, ready to attend Community Meeting as our Lorax characters. Were we the only ones dressed up that day? Yes. Yes we were. But we didn’t care, as we had great fun choosing characters and coming up with costume ideas. It really brought us together as a crew. We did get a few funny looks and laughs throughout the day though, but we stayed in character. It was a great day and we can’t wait till next year to do it all again… but as who?

To finish the term on a high, Crew SMI celebrated Easter with a few games and an Easter basket full of goodies each. We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and eat lots of chocolate!

See you all in two weeks!
Miss Mitchell