Crew RPU and CBU Getting Smart

This morning Crew RPU and CBU have been working really hard in academic crew. They worked together supporting each other with their Sparx Maths. We were really impressed with how they worked answers out together and showed great compassion to each other.

Well done Crew- keep up the good work!!

Mrs Pulham and Mrs Burnitt

Crew RPU/ABO cracking on with crew.

Ready to start our day……

Amazing crew today! Students read a book of their choosing they then gave an overview of what their book was about. Some students caught up on the news of the day and feedback to others. Everyone listened and showed respect. I am constanstantly impressed by our crew and how awesome they are.

We discussed secret Santa and agreed a budget and everyone picked out a name at random. Secret Santa will be on the 14th of December. Save the date.

BLOWN AWAY BY CREW…..keep up the good work!

C30 Year 7: Hearing the stories of mining

This last couple of weeks have been really busy in Humanities. Students have had the opportunity to hear a range of perspectives on mining. Just before half term Professor Natalie from Reading University came into school to talk to the students about the history of the 1984-85 Miners Strike as well as her role at Reading University. It was lovely to see and hear Year 7 working hard and getting smart throughout the session.

This week students had the opportunity to listen to miners sharing their stories. A big thank you to Miss Cunningham for organising these visits as well as to all our miners who brought in artefacts and images that really gave us insight into what their jobs involved. We learnt that each miner would have a specific number and handed in ‘checks’ before going underground. As well as handling davy lamps, gas masks and a piece of coal that was so big it could have kept a fire burning for over 3 hours!

This week we begin our work on our biography writing and song lyrics inspired by the miner’s stories.

Finally, just a reminder of a date for your diaries:

Tuesday 12th December is the XP Year 7 Presentation of Learning

Wednesday 13th December is the XP East Year 7 Presentation of Learning

Celebrations in X26 (Y11) & X27 (Y10)

We had SO many things to celebrate in our final KS4 community meeting of this half term!

From incredible amounts of praise points, to students identifying others working hard across sessions… and outstanding acts of kindness, we had SO many postcards to share from staff too!

See below some of the awesome things happening this term in Y10 & 11 – they’ve come back with a bang and done themselves SO proud!

Have a fabulous half term,

Miss Cocliff x

X30 Fieldwork to National Coal Mining Museum 6th October

Students in X30 Year 7 will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum on Friday 6th October. This fieldwork will be part of students expedition “From the Ground up”. We will leave school at 8.30am and return by 3.15pm. Students will need to bring a bag with:

A packed lunch (students on free school meals will be provided with a lunch), a pen / pencil / pencil case to complete work during the day and a warm coat as part of the day is outside.

If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their crew leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made.

If you have any queries please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Crew Darling – First Week Back!

Enjoy a snippet of Crew Darling’s first week back! It has been a jam-packed week, full of activities focused on strengthening our bond as crew, and mentally preparing for the year ahead. We have worked on our communication skills, gone on beautiful fieldwork, played inter-crew games and more, all of which culminated in a POL this afternoon!

Year 9 is a rollercoaster of excitement and change, and the first week back with these unforgettable crew times sets the tone for the whole year. Looking forward to working hard with Crew this year!