Admiral Homework

1. Mathletics. Students have a lot of exercises to work on over the two week break in prep for the Grand designs test in the first week back. The test will be on sequences and ratios.

2. Revise for Grand Designs test. I’ll be posting some links to help on google classroom. Students have been asked to do something with the information to revise, not just to read it i.e. make cue cards, do a test on BBC bitesize, make a mind map etc. The science part of the test will be on DNA, genes, adaptations, food chains and food webs and natural selection

3. Correct mistakes from the Chefistry test. Students have been given their chefistry test papers to take home. They have been asked to try to correct any mistakes they made so they can sit FIX tests as soon as they come back. If they are still stuck we can give them more support in FIX sessions. Again I’ll post some links on google classroom to help.

The deadline for all of this is the first Monday back.

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