Building the foundations

This week we have started to look at choosing our Crew name

The pupils were asked to think about the dynamics of our crew, the types of characters in it and how we are as a crew. Are we calm, caring, creative and understanding? or loud, fussy, mad, emotional? or even a mixture of all of these?

Building on form this, to look for an influential figure, (past or present) that would link to this and stand as a good role model that also resonates with our character values of :





Craftsmanship and quality

Joshua had some great ideas, showing courage by sharing these for critique and to help us with our own ideas. Some really thoughtful choices coming along, can’t wait to see what else we can bring to the table. Here is Joshua’s thoughts for our crew name…

“I have two chosen to represent us, the first is a main and the second is the backup. This was an explanation on how this would work…let’s begin.

Elon Musk

  • The way he has shown integrity is by devoting his whole life to save the planet like developing electric cars.
  • The way he has shown compassion is during the financial crisis Elon injected all of his money into Tesla to stop the company from going under.
  • He has shown respect by saying he respects the justice system
  • Elon has shown courage by being willing to send rockets into space despite being told it was a bad investment.
  • He has shown craftsmanship and quality by sending four rockets into space and correcting his mistakes every time.

David Beckham

  • David Beckham has shown integrity by starting his own charity and becoming UNICEF ambassador.
  • He has shown compassion by putting many years into perfecting the thing he enjoys.
  • I couldn’t find anything on respect (other than his fragrance) but I’m sure he has shown respect in some ways.
  • He has shown courage by speaking his mind and not being afraid of what  people think.

Joshua has clearly thought out how these people link to our core values, but I wonder how they link to us as a crew? Looking forward to hearing your responses, choices and reasons guys.

Continuing with beautiful work Louis inspired his class mates this week with this fantastic effort in Art. His peers all gathered round to learn what he did in order to achieve this level of observational drawing!

We would also like to welcome our new crew member Ben, we are so pleased to have him in our crew. He has fitted right in as if he has always been with us! 

And finally, for now, our crew have been using their heads, working together and building new friendships. A great start for a strong future!

Off to a flying start

Hi All,
An amazing start from crew NML, I’m so proud of how they have all come together and found a connection with each other. Through crew we have been looking at “getting to know you.” One of the things we have been looking at is diversity within our crew, through this we have seen similarities as well as differences and how we respect each others values, ideas, likes, dislikes, religions, hobbies and taste. Recognising that we can still be friends and help someone even if they don’t share the same ideals we do.
We’ve worked together to solve problems and discuss issues like if you were in a zombi apocalypse, which three people would you have – most of them would have a chef of some sort so that they could eat. and how to make the tallest spaghetti tower that will hold a marshmallow for 5 whole seconds.
We’ve talked about identity and finding your tribe and what is your superpower (something you are really good at) despite finding other things difficult, how do they see the world differently.
Understanding the values we need to have, such as Integrity, doing the right thing even when no-one is looking. Courage, to feel the fear and try anyway. Respect, to see things from another perspective and not judge others or make them feel bad if they don’t agree, has developed a good foundation for us to build a really strong group.
Lessons have also been really interesting with immersion giving them a little taster of what they will be diving in to with their case studies in the coming weeks.
Really exciting stuff. As this will be a new way of doing things to the children we have also talked about making mistakes being a really important part of the learning journey and if you don’t try how can you learn?
So in the wise words of Judy Hopps (Zootopia)

#Try, try everything!