How well do Crew Nightingale know each other?

That was this weeks quiz when we checked in today! It turns out they all know each other really well with Annie just missing out on top score as she couldn’t earn the bonus point for a question about herself.(Sorry Annie)
We also began to reminisce and share some of our top Crew memories. Crew Nightingale being five times winners of Sports Day, our own specific Crew Check ins as well as all the first academic achievements we made: SLCs, Passage Presentation and COLs and POLs.
I was also impressed that during the quiz so many of Crew were able to recognise a very blurry picture of Elliot from our time on Outward Bound in Year 7. I can’t believe that Outward Bound was 2015. Time seems to have flown by.
Hopefully these memories will help Crew as they begin to write reflections on their time in Crew for their final product a book called “How we did XP”.

One final thing I forgot to mention today, was that this week we mark the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. Her legacy of improved hygiene and care for the sick lives on in the outstanding work the NHS does today.

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