Crew Attenborough smashing lockdown

Crew Attenborough had a check in today “What’s your  favourite memory from XP?”



“Meeting my best friend “

“Acting in Macbeth”

”Christmas lectures”


“Just coming to XP”

“When I leave” (lots  of me too’s here)

When it came  to my turn I could have gone on forever. Charlie’s dancing, Michaela’s 360* on a rock face, Zack cycling for charity, Chandni’s football skills, gaining new crew members who fitted into our “family” perfectly. James’ and Harley’s  passage presentations, group dancing in crew christmas disco,letter from  SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH!!! ….. So many happy memories and such pride  in every  single one of my Attenborough. You brighten my life and I will miss you all so  much.


Praise postcards truly deserved