Crew Hawking adjusting to Home Learning

Every Friday at 2:30pm  Crew Hawking have their google hangout.  It is great to see the crew and how they are adjusting to being at home and taking on board school work that is independent learning for all their class subjects.

Helen was talking about how she enjoyed the Seneca task given to complete for Chemistry where she got to study and answer questions on Atomic structure.  Coen has been steadily working through each of the tasks set and getting into a good routine at home with timetabling in school learning and then time to relax.

Some of the crew have found the maths a struggle especially with getting answers wrong and then not knowing how to get the correct calculations for the answer with there not being a person there to explain it to them.

What we did talk about was compare getting good at mathematics to getting good at whatever sport or artistic endeavour they enjoy. They need to practise over and over again for their skills to become embedded and for them to reach a level of competency be it drawing, playing a video game, cooking skills or finding missing angles in circles.  Watching the Hegarty maths videos through from the beginning until the end will support each student in how to build knowledge and support them in answering the questions they are set.



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