Crew Hawking

Let’s be honest, we dont all get along all of the time and Crew Hawking have found the last few weeks a bit challenging to be kind to each other. So we have been reflecting this week on the work we did on working hard, getting smart, being kind and getting to the top of the mountain together as a crew at Ullswater.

“People helped others by encouraging them and people persevered and that is crew. I believe that to be crew you have to have a positive mindset, which is never giving up and all ways try everything and encouraging each other and that is crew.” Marcus

“Me and Max were being crew and working as a team to help tidy up the lodge. I showed courage by volunteering to help out. I showed compassion by not shouting at people who weren’t helping out. I showed respect by cleaning up the lodge as it doesn’t belong to us so we have to respect it because other people may use it and we want to leave no trace. I showed integrity by actually cleaning up and not messing about.” Coen

In the end that meant we all showed courage and got up the gorge. We all showed mindfulness and respect by realizing when someone was uncomfortable or scared” Evan

I showed courage by being the first one to jump into the water. I showed compassion by not splashing everybody that was a bit scared. I showed integrity because I was honest about the water being freezing.” JD

“I wanted to help get everyone to the top so I carried the big bags for some of my crew who were struggling” Joe

“Not all of us enjoyed trip but every single one of us got to the top of that mountain because were helped each other. Also all the crew showed compassion” Kate

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