Crew Rashford – First Week Back

Crew Rashford have enjoyed a fabulous first week back which has focussed on us reconnecting as crew, performing acts of service and giving back to the community.  As we prepare for the next stage of our journey into Y10 and the start of our GCSE studies, these activities have helped us realise how important it is for us to support each other through.  

Here’s an overview of what we’ve done this week:

Crew building (overview by Jorja)

On Tuesday we had crew building day. To start our day off we did some crew activities with other crews. After this we went for a walk around the lake and we did litter picking as an act of stewardship. In the afternoon we played crew dodgeball. All of these activities brought us closer together.

Ivy Court Care Home (by Tammy, Emma, Manveer, Sofiya)

On Wednesday, we all made cornflake/rice crispy treats within crew. After lunch, we went to the Ivy Court Care Home in Balby where we met the residents that live there. We were all quite anxious to talk to the people however when we first got into the building all our nerves went away. One woman that affected most of us was called Sheila. She was very affectionate and showed a lot of compassion and was telling us about how much she enjoyed her childhood and told us repeatedly to live our lives to the fullest and enjoy ourselves while we’re young. After this, we gave our treats to the residents and they were all so full of joy. We were singing with them and dancing with them and it made us look at life from a different perspective and it just goes to show that we don’t appreciate it enough. We were all quite upset when we had to leave but we’ll be back to see them all at Christmas.

Millers Dale (overview by Callum, Holly, Jayden, Keegan, Sam, Zak)

On Thursday we went to Millers Dale where we took part in a variety of games and situations we had to figure out.We did orienteering (even though we went the wrong way), teamwork games and ab-sailing. In ab-sailing a lot of people were very scared but as a crew we came together to help each other overcome their fears and when most people set off after they got over the first bit of fear they were able to Get to the bottom very easily. People showed courage  when doing it.

We then went on to attempt an activity that involved multiple gutter pieces and a ball, the objective was to align the pieces  to make  a bridge for the ball as it rolled into the gutter pieces. This game used a lot of teamwork and communication between each other. we had to take pieces from the back and align them in the front so the ball could keep moving, we made it quite far when unfortunately we ended up dropping the ball on the floor and we failed. We tried using teamwork to make sure that we got further and further each time. We also did a number game where we had to not get into the zone and not touch the wrong numbers where  we had to have good communication skills with each other and make sure we weren’t going into the zone when somebody else was and tell eachother where the next number is and after our turn we had a discussion at the end to say how we can do better and use teamwork to help each other.

The week has ended in us presenting our pledges to the rest of Y10 and sharing how we are going to help each other get to the top of our Y10 mountain. 

We know it’s going to be challenging and we have already shared some of our worries around this, but we will get through it as a Crew 🙂 

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