Times Tables Rock Stars Homework

The group who are working on times tables fluency with Mr Said in JOLT+ have been given some homework. This group are:

Oliver Beard, Elliot Crawley, Millie Finney, Maisie Finney, Noah Heyes, Alisha Kaur, Cameron Magdziak, Rylie Manion, Zara Mawer, Marley Mcanulty, Louis McFarlane, Kiera Moules, Cole Thompson-Dunn, Georgia Waite, Olivia Watson & Abbie Williams.

Each student has been given a login to times table rockstars. They need to login on at least two separate occasions over the course of the week. They must complete ten games within the space of that week so that they can get a rockstar rating. This week we worked on eight times tables, so the solo games will focus on eight times tables as well as nines as an extra challenge. The competitive where your son or daughter can play against other users include all times tables.

Your son or daughter’s log in is all lower case:


…where YY is a two digit version of the year they started at XP. So for example a year 7 student called Lawrence Holt would have the login lawrence.holt15 . Passwords are all set to be:


…for the first login, then students can change their password. The deadline for students to have completed 10 games is Friday 18th September. I will be checking student scores at 15.15 on our teacher day.

If your son or daughter has any issues accessing the site, or logging in, please make sure they come to see me by Thursday morning at the latest. Thanks.

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