X25 – How can we get everyone to the top of their mountain?

X25 have had a great start to their final year at XP. Students have been answering the

GQ – How can we get everyone to the top of their mountain?

To answer this question students have been completing various team building activities to demonstrate how we can help each other to achieve our goals. We started off the week going on a walk at Flamborough together. The 6 mile walk allowed us to embrace the fresh air and catch up from summer. On Wednesday, we spent the day in crew preparing to answer the guiding question and completing some team building activities. We continued with our team building activities on Thursday where we were able to apply our character traits. All crews in X25 showed resilience when trying to complete all of the challenges. On Friday, we presented our roadmaps and spoke about our journey to get to the top of the mountain.

It’s been a great week and everyone is excited about the year ahead.

Good Luck X25.

Crew Piper

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