Year 9 X25 Spanish World of Work Experts

Today Year 9 were joined by two experts, Robert and Lucy Bell, to talk to them about languages, careers, and the world of work. Where will learning a language take you?

Well, according to Robert, absolutely anywhere! Robert explained his amazing job opportunities, from working in advertising all over Europe for Mars, to running an imports office in Peru…and all from knowing one language that had little to do with anything he needed at that moment in time…French!

Lucy described her gap year adventures before university, and her studies in Latin America whilst at university, becoming immersed in language, culture and tradition.

I know that Year 9 will agree that both experts were interesting, inspiring, and passionate about where knowing one language, and being open to learning more, will take you. I know they agree as two students contacted me straight after the session, to share their excitement and feedback from our guests. One student even wants to start learning another language as soon as possible. Take your opportunities where you can Year 9!


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