Resetting the Bar

Returning to the classroom has been a little tricky for some of us. But yet again Crew Tubman have really risen to the challenge!


We’ve taken to using the crew wall as a focal point to revise our learning and get us back on track.

Mindful Mondays

Some of our points of learning on Mindful Monday have been around writing a letter to our future self about how we have faired during lockdown, asking how things are in the future and maybe if some things have changed or perhaps remained the same, what advice would we give ourselves.


Tranquil Tuesday

Resetting our reading targets is a really important part of our time. Looking at what we can do to make sure we are reading regularly, in order to benefit from a better understanding which, in turn allows us to make better word and sentence choices in our own work as well as growing to understand more challenging texts. Making sure we have regular times to familiarise ourselves with the written word and the many contexts we find it in, so Tuesday is a great time to sit back relax and enjoy our favourite author. We have also looked at what Genre we enjoy to help others find something to challenge their usual reads and expand our experiences, followed by a pledge to improve on where we are currently.



Wise Wednesdays

This has been focusing mainly on our mental and physical health, discussing and exploring what this means to us and how we have a choice over how we deal with things and who we can turn to. We have had some really mature conversations about where they feel mental health affects physical and visa versa, resulting in the conclusion that they both rely on each other and how best to maintain this.



Thoughtful Thursday

Here we are looking at reconnecting to our HOWLs and identifying how our behaviour directly impacts our academic achievement alongside our attendance, also how this impacts us as a crew. Over the coming weeks we will be analysing our classroom efforts and looking as a crew, supporting each other in order to get the best out of ourselves. Some of us may need a little more help than others but we are all there for each other.


We have taken time this week to reflect and analyse where we feel we sit with our HOWLs, really thinking and picking apart how we feel we are achieving in our lessons based on our current performance and how we are coming back after the break. As you can see they have used a lot of integrity in identifying where they need to work harder or need help in a subject in order to become a better version of themselves. This is something we will grapple with over the coming weeks with discussion, critique, notice, wonders and praise.


Flexible Friday


This is where we take time to catch up on any discussions we want to expand on, follow up work or finding time to share a good read. This week we have taken the opportunity to read Rosemary Sutcliff’s ‘Beowulf’

Whilst listening to the text we have used our visualisation skills to determine what we think Grendal, one of the main characters, would look like based on the description in the book.

Have a look at what they thought…




Another great week for crew Tubman, looking forward to next


All that best




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