X28 Crew Darling – Smashing their Practice DofE Walk

I was excited to join my Crew last week for their practice walk (from a distance) for their Bronze DofE award. Crew Darling displayed great teamwork, support and compassion for one another on a hot, humid and challenging day. They even tried their hand at some sheep herding! Take a look at the fantastic day that was had, especially impressed with their cooking skills!

Extra curricular this week

Another hectic week of extra curricular. Our cricket teams were in action this week, being involved in a festival at Doncaster town and home fixtures against Hayfield and Campsmount. The uptake in cricket has been fantastic. Students showed real character and were phenomenal both on and off the pitch.

Next week will be as follows:

Monday – Athletics practice

Tuesday – Cricket and cheerleading

Wednesday – Y7/8 Cricket fixture and rounders practice

Sharing our Stories: 17/05/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Why We Crew – XP Trust in Aberdeen

Since 2019 we have been working with the educational charity The Wood Foundation, which is based in Scotland. Dozens of educators from schools in the Aberdeen area have been visiting our Trust as delegates for the last four years – learning about Crew, expeditions and Leadership. 

This week for the first time colleagues from our Trust, including our CAO Andy, had the opportunity to deliver CPD to teachers in Aberdeen, visiting schools and meeting students. It was heartwarming and humbling to see Crew – sometimes called Squads and Clans north of the border – being delivered in Scotland. 

We look forward to welcoming more delegates to our Trust schools in the future and travelling back to support our new friends as they continue their Crew journey.

There Is No Planet B – Product Curation at Norton Juniors

The beautiful work from LKS2’s Expedition ‘There Is No Planet B’ is now curated outside the school! The awesome artwork, created from digital images of discarded waste, depicts various different animals whose habitats are being destroyed in the local community. To further reinforce the notion of climate emergency, through their literacy cycle, pupils also wrote persuasive speeches about how we can all bring about positive change if we work together. 

Top of the Blogs

Highlights from Crew Day @ XP Gateshead

Football Logos @ Norton Infants

Sugar Rush @ Green Top

Aerial View @ Plover

Mental Health Week Continues @ Carcroft School

Mayan Mask Madness @ Norton Junior School

History and Ethics Fieldwork @ XP School

Super focus from Year 11 @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Super focus from Year 11! (C26)

GCSE exams are now well underway and those final pushes for revision continue.

It has been incredible to see them giving their all in revision, even after an exam in order to prepare themselves for the next!

Look at the focus here:

Keep up the hard work guys, we are really proud of you! This hard work will definitely pay off!

Bikeability week at XP/ XP East school

This week at school we have had students learning to cycle and Level 1 cycling proficiency. It has been an amazing 2 days with the coaches from bikeability. Day 1 we had beautiful weather and it was great to see students develop in confidence when cycling. Day 2 the rain came however this did not discourage the students and they continued through to complete the course.

Well done to all the students who completed this over the past 2 days.

Crew SMI – Assessing Our HoWLs

This week, Crew SMI have spent a considerable amount of time looking at our HoWLs (Habits of Work and Learning), assessing how each student is currently performing. We began looking through the rubrics created by Miss Mitchell. Each HoWL had its own breakdown, from Beginning to Excellence, stating what behaviours should look like.

Students assessed themselves, making note of their score for each HoWL and calculating their overall Average HoWL score. Students then set themselves targets to work towards for the next few weeks based on their HoWL scores.

We then split into our classes, Admiral and Skipper, to complete the next part of our assessment. In our class groups we repeated the process, taking it in turns to peer assess each other. We then set an achievable yet challenging target for each student.

Each student took some time to read through the assessment results and planned their next steps in terms of their targets. I look forward to seeing how many students achieve their goals in the weeks to come!

Miss Mitchell

FXP Tuck Shop

The next Tuck Shop will be held on Thursday 16th May during first break nearer to XP, as the Year 11 students have their GCSE exams in XP East.

We are in need of sweet donations for our £1 lucky dip bags. We are looking for Haribos, fizzies, chews, lollies etc. Any home baked goods would be welcome too. We are hoping to do some different savoury ‘grab n go’ wraps this time as well as ice-creams / lollies.

As always, volunteers are needed to join our small but dedicated group. If anyone could offer some time on Wednesday or Thursday this week, drop Victoria a message via her email [email protected].

So far, we have raised over £750 in just three events, a fantastic sum for our kids. Let’s see what we can achieve together by the end of this academic year!

Friends of XP