Today I had a hang out with some of my crew Hahn students this morning and then had a hangout with my XP16 mentor group this afternoon.

For the crew check in chicken I asked both groups the same question,

‘ Tell me 3 words that would best describe the person you see yourself or want to see yourself being in 10 years time’

There was one recurring word that came up in 90% of answers which. is to be happy : )

There was a mixture of other words such as, Having a job, mentally well, homeowner, financially secure, sane, friends, earn a wage, responsible, successful, athletic, being employed.

For most of them ‘happy’ was the thing they said third which leads me to wonder if by managing to make the other things happen then hopefully this will cause them to be happy or at least help towards them being happy?

We went on to explore that these things that they want for their future self aren’t out of reach for any of them. They’re normal things that most people want in their lives and as parents what we want for our children. We discussed that what we do today and tomorrow etc can impact on how likely we are to fulfil those ambitions and although life has Unfortunately thrown a big obstacle in our way (CV19) we can still achieve those dreams by continuing our studies at home and learning new skills.

So, it’s important to crack on with your school subjects and keep submitting your work to your teachers, they are all there to help you, I know this because i’m in touch with them all and every time i’ve asked their support has been given. Keep doing the work you’ve been set but also find time to find out who you are and what else you like doing…..

Some students have taken up new hobbies such as photography, others are getting fitter by cycling and running and can also put this towards their DofE awards! I have post 16 students cooking for their families and baking. One student couldn’t join my hangout this afternoon because he was laying paving slabs in his garden so we will check in together later in the week.

If you spend time each week doing some studying, learning new skills, keeping active and helping out others such as your families you will easily achieve the person you want to be in 10 years time.

Don’t worry about what you did or didn’t do yesterday / last week last month etc, concentrate on the things you can still do today, tomorrow and next week, because before you know it you’ll be 10 years older.



Crew Hahn’s Rainbows of thanks to our key workers.

I am so proud and grateful to my crew for spending some time creating these rainbows to show our appreciation and respect to ALL key workers that are keeping us all as safe as possible during this crazy time.

An extra special thanks to Maddison for the picture of the amazing cake she made…. however I’m disappointed that she couldn’t bring it into school to share with us as she has done with her baking on many occasions in the past.

We did another crew ‘Hahn hangout’ this morning. It was lovely to be joined by students that haven’t been able to do this before due to problems accessing devices etc.

We did our usual ‘check in chicken’ and I asked students to think of a person or persons they felt they personally wanted to thank whilst being on lock down for the past 2 weeks… someone that has perhaps supported them or helped them in some way.

The most common person students wanted to thank were their mums! There were a number of different reasons for this such as cooking amazing meals while they’ve been at home such as pies and steaks, another student wanted to thank their mum for helping them not to leave the house as they’re normally such a social butterfly and not accustomed to being restricted so much. another wanted to thank their mum for making them special dinners just for them because they didn’t like what everyone else in the house were eating and another student just wanted to thank their mum and dad for constantly supporting them in everything he does. One student wanted to share how he found so many friends were checking in on him regularly which he found helpful over the last couple of weeks.

Even in a time of stress, unknowns and restrictions that our students have never experienced the likes of before, we need to look at the positives and what we still have to be grateful for. It seems to me that in crew Hahn we are very lucky to have such fab families and friends.

Can’t wait for our next hangout on Wednesday.

Hahn Hangouts at Home

I’ve been lucky enough to spend 2 mornings this week ‘hanging out’ with some of my crewbies.

We’ve kinda followed normal protocol of doing a ‘crew check’ in or ‘crew chicken’ as I call it….. ‘roll of eyes from my crew’!

Our ‘chicken’ this morning lead by Tom was ‘what would you want to do next week if there was no lockdown’…….

I was quite surprised by some of the students answers, I thought they would be really dramatic and indulgent but they were things like going to the skate park and visiting grand parents. It’s those things we take for granted that we miss so much.

It was lovely to hear their voices and we’ve decided to do this 3 times a week on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.

It’s so lovely to hear students helping each other by explaining what they do to implement some structure to their day, obviously some are finding studying from home easier than others so it helps to share our experiences.

I feel very lucky to be part of crew Hahn, what a fabulous group of kids I get to ‘hangout’ with!

Have a relaxing weekend everyone, stay safe and be kind…. that includes to yourself!


Crew Kurt Hahn welcomes ‘Kurt Hand’!

In crew since we have come back after the Christmas break we have been focusing on the character trait ‘Respect“. It’s really important that we learn to listen as well as we are expected to use our voice. By actively listening to others shows that person respect, confidence, a sense of belonging and to be as important as everyone else in the circle.

However in Hahn this is something we weren’t doing too well last term so we needed to bring in protocols to help us improve on this. To help prompt and remind us not to talk at inappropriate times we are using a protocol where we can only speak when we have hold of a chosen item. For a while we were doing this using my mug. This seemed to be working so I decided we needed something that didn’t stop me drinking my morning coffee…

So, welcome Kurt Hand…!

Kurt Hand is a (clean) sock / hand  puppet. Members of crew can only take their turn to speak when they are using the puppet. If they want to speak we have to ask for the puppet. This should help remind us about respecting others and allowing everyone time to use their voice.

Kurt Hand spent the session this morning getting to know his crewbies and can be seen here with Sam.

Crew Hahn

Crew Hahn had 2 crew sessions today.

This mornings session we checked in and then continued planning our charity fundraising ideas.

So far we will be holding a raffle, Guess the name of the cute puppy, car washing (during the summer months) and encouraging the ‘staff with beards’ to shave them off all to raise money for Cancer Research.

We have a target set of £250.

So far Mr Voltaire, Mr ap Harri & Mr Said have all agreed to rid themselves of their facial hair if we manage to raise the full £250!

This afternoon we celebrated Tom’s birthday. Tom got to choose what we did and he chose to play dodge ball.

Before we started we discussed our character traits to our newest crew member, Josh explaining what these would look like, feel like and sound like during a game of dodge ball.

I think you can see we had a lot of fun as crew.

Happy Birthday Tom!




Earhart’s ‘Crew Breakfast’:

This morning in crew we had a ‘family style’ cooked breakfast eating bacon butties (veggie option was Quorn sausage sarnies), a brew and a chat over the morning’s newspaper.

It was a fab experience where crew focused on their character traits and HOWLS by putting them into practice during the session.

Jobs were shared out into small groups some cooking, some making drinks and some choosing the topic for discussion. The crew worked really well together producing a yummy breakfast.

Once the food was ready we all sat down together to eat and discuss the chosen topic, which was the recent racist problems during a high profile sporting event. Everyone in crew contributed to the discussion including Mr Voltaire and Mr Sprakes who seemed to have been hovering around all morning… I wonder why?!

This is a reminder to all parents / carers of students in Year 9, students are due to have injections for all Year 9 girls and boys against Polio, Tetanus and Diphtheria, Meningitis ACWY on Tuesday 4th June 2019.  The consent forms were sent home with students one month ago, Crew leaders will be in contact with those parents whom the school nurse has not received their consent forms.

Barcelona Day 3

The students began the final day by sitting in the sunny courtyard of our hostel and spending time on their journals. Once we had finished our sketches of the famous landmarks or beautiful buildings in Barcelona we headed out to catch a glimpse of the Olympic Park Stadium.

With rumbling stomachs we then headed into the bustling streets to find a traditional Spanish restaurant so the students could have the opportunity to taste the delights that Spain has to offer.

Following this relaxed lunch break we returned to the hostel to gather belongings before making our second visit to the beach. The students voiced how desperately they wanted to revisit the famous food market and indulge once again in the delicious snacks that were on offer. A slight detour on our walk to the beach allowed for this. Once at the beach the students enjoyed having time to be together, playing football or just simply relaxing in the sun.

As the sun began to fade it was time to return to the hostel to get packed and ready to travel home tomorrow.

It’s been a busy three days of exploring Barcelona and brilliant opportunity to spend quality time together, explore a new city, to learn about another culture and most of all to have an opportunity to practice speaking Spanish.

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