Crew Tomlinson back at it!

Crew Tomlinson have had a brilliant start to the year. They have shown maturity and courage. We have discussed HOWLS and pledges this year to make sure Crew have the best year! Some of crews pledges include speaking more in community meeting and completing work to the best of their ability.
On Thursday we had thoughtful Thursday where we discussed  HOWLs and what we aim for our HOWLs to be this year. Crew agreed we need to make sure we are helping each other to keep on track with their HOWLs and holding each other to account.
Great start to the year Crew….well done!

X26 & X25 Coming Back Stronger!

It is wonderful to welcome back our students in Year 8 and 9 today, they have certainly returned with renewed energy and enthusiasm!

Today, is all about Crew.  Students have been spending their time today reflecting on the past few months, learning how to keep themselves safe whilst in school and most importantly reconnecting as a Crew.

I have had the pleasure of spending time in each of the Crew’s and it is great to see the students engaged, working collaboratively and happy!

What a way to start the year! #Comingbackstronger


Crew Tomlinson- Scattegories time

I can’t believe we are in our last 2 weeks of year 8, this year has flown by! Crew have worked exceptionally hard over the last couple of weeks with crew members working hard to catch up on work and make sure they end the term on a high! I want to congratulate Tom for this especially I have seen a great improvement over the last couple of weeks.

In yesterday’s hangout we had a game of Scattegories, which was quite tricky but also really fun with some impressive scores from Crew….Mrs Burnitt was really struggling on some of the categories!

This week we have had to change the time of crew hangouts and I want to thank the members of crew who have made sure they remembered the new time as it is so important that we are all involved in the calls. Next week is the last week before the holidays and I would love it if every crew member attended the 2 hangouts to say goodbye to each other, receive relevant information and play a few games. The times of the calls are Tuesday 2pm and Thursday 2pm. 

Look forward to seeing you all then!

Crew Tomlinson – Taking Over

Over the last couple of weeks we have had a number of crew calls and as a crew we decided it would be great for crew to take over the check in/crew activity once a week. Typically in school this would happen and help students to gain leadership skills and the importance of preparation. Last Thursday Frankie had arranged a fantastic ‘Guess the character’ quiz. I found some of them quite tricky but well done to Yasmin who scored 20/20, fantastic effort!!

I also wanted to thank a few members of crew who have really stood out over the last couple of weeks showing brilliant character traits, including courage and craftsmanship and quality.


Lastly I would like to remind everyone of the time and days of Crew Google Hangouts. We have two calls a week Monday 12:30 and Thursday 11:00. It is really important that crew members attend these meetings every week. We haven’t had a session yet that has had every member of crew! Fingers crossed for Thursday’s call.

Well done for your hard work this week crew and as ever if you need any help please get in touch.

Mrs Burnitt

I can’t believe the holidays are over and another week of hard work has flown by! We had two Google hangouts this week. On Tuesday we had a check in catching up on everyone’s half term activities. With crew mentioning they had BBQ’s and lots of days in the garden with the lovely weather we had. Max also shared a photo of him hard at work helping in the garden. We also discussed how we were feeling getting back into the swing of work, with crew having a honest and mature conversation.

Thursday’s check in was created by Franchesca who wanted everyone to bring their pet to crew. Franchesca has an amazing gecko called Echo and other crew members showed their lovey dogs. Mr Burke kindly stood in as Dec’s dog due to Dec attending school that day!

I want to thank crew for a great week back, crew members are becoming more proactive with their learning too, asking for help before deadlines and supporting each other.

Well done Crew!

Crew Tomlinson – Getting Creative

This week crew have been working really hard again! I wanted to share Max’s creative work making The Globe Theatre out of cake….which looked impressive and tasty….

Declan has also created a brilliant final product showing great drafting of work. Beautiful work!

We had 2 crew hangouts this week which were brilliant, the students have become more organised making sure they are on time which really helps us stick to the schedule to check in,  go through the tracker (to help students know where they are at with the work) and make sure everyone can speak….along with sometimes  managing to have a game too. On Tuesday our check in question was what are you looking most/least forward to about coming back to school in the future… We had a mixture of answers including looking forward to  seeing friends and working with others, with only one crew member not looking forward to the early morning starts…which I think a few people had forgotten!

On Thursday’s check in we had a music quiz which I tried to keep as up to date as possible and we had some fantastic marks….particularly well done to Fran, Tom And Danny for top marks!! I think next time I will play a few 80’s songs to make it a bit more of a challenge.

Great week again crew….Hope you all have a brilliant and well deserved break!

Crew Tomlinson -Quizzed up

Crew Tomlinson have had another great week. We decided last week it would be really beneficial to have a 1:1 Google hangout where I could go through any issues and confusion with the work the students had. Crew members have been brilliant with this, having honest discussions to move forward with the work. We have had two crew sessions this week all together, which have been brilliant. Crew took part in a General Knowledge quiz on Tuesday, and we have arranged a music quiz for next week…where Mrs Burnitt it going to try and not put too many ‘old songs’ in!

I have received some great work from the students this week as well, including stunning Art work from Frankie and Declan.

Again I just want to praise Crew on their fantastic efforts this week and for the last few weeks. They are working really hard, asking for help when needed and supporting each other. Well Done Crew Tomlinson!!!

Year 7/8 Common Mission

As part of Common Mission in year 7/8 we are launching The Book of Memories. Crew leaders will be sharing this during google hangouts. We would like you to produce a virtual (slides) or book of your memories during this time so that we can look back and reflect on our time at home.

Each week you will be given a theme to help you create your book of memories and give you ideas of activities you might be able to do at home. Your crew leader will share the introduction with you and how you can make your book and also the first theme which is “What is in my cupboards”

We look forward to seeing your ideas and sharing with us what you have been up to whilst at home.

Stay Safe Everyone

Ilinca’s Year 8

Crew Tomlinson taking a minute

I think we have blinked and another week has gone by. We had two brilliant Google hangouts this week. Yesterday our check in question was ‘what are you grateful for this week?’ We had a number of different responses including Xbox (not a surprise!), football and family company.  Yesterday (due to us missing this on Tuesday) crew had a minute silence for all the hard work the NHS staff are doing and in honour of the workers who have unfortunately died. Crew were really respectful and sat silently thinking.

On both Google hangouts this week we have discussed our crew’s tracker. Looking at which pieces of work each student needs to complete and also celebrating the students who have worked really hard. Dec, Max and Thomas have worked really hard this week completing their humanities work. ..Well Done! As part of this discussion two crew members explained they needed help with their maths work so we also arranged a session to better understand the task, these students showed great courage to be honest and ask for support.

Finally I want to share Max’s CD cover he completed this week which is such a beautiful piece of work! Excellent work Max.

Thanks for another fantastic week Crew….I can’t wait to see the work you produce next week!