A number of students from X24 have been working extremely hard both in lesson and also in the completion of their extended study. They have completed these tasks to a high standard and also made sure that they have been handed in on time.

The students that I would like to give a special mention to are Alfie Lockey (X24 Admiral), Bella Herring (X24 Skipper) and Amber Clark (X24 Skipper) who have all finished the two studies (paper cut and sharpie block design) in class and also their extended study (Artist research).

All three of these students are now well on the way to creating a lovely charcoal study for their developing and exciting art portfolio.

Alfie Lockey:

Amber Clark:

Bella Herring:

Well done Alfie, Amber and Bella! Keep up the good work!

X24 have been giving kind, specific and helpful peer critiques to each other to make improvements to create beautiful work.

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They have been looking at lino cuts by an artist called Karl Schmidt. They have chosen two different designs to produce two A3 designs:

  • One using a black sharpie pen on white paper
  • One using a craft knife to carefully cut back paper.

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