Crew Macmillan: SPOTLIGHT

Crew Macmillan have been plugging away at their academic work again this week, still adjusting to our “new normal”.

Earlier in the week, i received a lovely email from Mr Pearson about Milo. Milo has been a superstar with his Spanish work:

Brilliant work, Milo. Keep this up – you’re developing into a fantastic linguist!

I’ve also seen some fantastic efforts towards HUMS work this week. EMPIRE! looks like a fantastic expedition, but also looks quite tricky! Here are some examples of crew’s beautiful work, summarising some of their learning about Socialism,Capitalism and Communism:


Well done to Milo, Archie, Finn, Isaac, Imogen & Alfie (Top left to bottom right) – amazing work!

Finally, this week I set Crew a more creative challenge. Mrs Pulham’s mum works in a care home where elderly residents aren’t getting visitors at the moment. I asked crew to create something – this could be a letter, a note, a picture – that we could pass on to make the residents smile. Alfie and Courtney have created some gorgeous artwork – early – the deadline is next Friday. Alfie created some watercolour flowers to bring Spring indoors, and Courtney has been learning how to use the digital art app, ProCreate, to create some sunsets – and some of our Disney favourites!







Hopefully this will spread a little happiness – some great talent in Crew Macmillan!

Keep up the fantastic work, Crew. No matter how long this goes on, you’re making me proud to be your Crew Leader. I love seeing the work you do – it blows me away every time!

Stay safe, and enjoy the Easter Weekend. I look forward to our check-ins next week!

Miss C x

As part of their expedition “Sagas, Sailing and Steel” X24 students will be carrying out fieldwork at Sheffield Hallam University on Thursday 26th March.

Students will be testing the strength of different materials to help them gain a deeper understanding of how Viking swords were strengthened with materials from ancestral bones.

We will be leaving school by coach at 9.00am. We expect to return at around 3.00pm.

Students will need to bring their regular stationary: pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener.

They will also need to bring a pack-up lunch.

We do not expect to be outdoors for any great length of time so no specialist clothing is required.

Thanks as always for your continued support.

Students in X24 Skipper and Admiral will be presenting their learning from our expedition Small Change on 5th December at 4.30pm in XP East School. Students have been working towards a number of Learning Targets focused on the GCSE text A Christmas Carol and the historical context of the period when Dickens produced A Christmas Carol. We like to invite you to hear from your son or daughter and see the work they have produced in order to answer the guiding question Why do we still need charity?  

We will also be asking, if possible, for donations to support the work of the Balby Church food and clothing bank.

FOR THE FOOD BANK: food that just requires hot water adding: e.g Instant porridge, Cup Soups, Mug shots, Instant noodles and Pot noodles (Supermarket own brands are ideal) FOR THE CLOTHES BANK: all types but the greatest demand is for jeans, joggers for men and all clothes for children aged 6-18.


Thank you in advance the Year 9 Team

X24 Service Learning at ‘The Big Sort’

Before half term and over the coming weeks students in X24 will be carrying out service learning at ‘The Big Sort’ located in Balby Church. The Church runs a clothing, homeware and food bank for the people of Balby and the surrounding areas. Each Monday all donations are sorted, hung and grouped ready to be given out to those in need. The volunteers at Balby Church have been really impressed with the compassion and hard work of students during their service learning. Hopefully this experience will help students to develop their thoughts on our guiding question ‘Why do we still need charity?’



A number of students from X24 have been working extremely hard both in lesson and also in the completion of their extended study. They have completed these tasks to a high standard and also made sure that they have been handed in on time.

The students that I would like to give a special mention to are Alfie Lockey (X24 Admiral), Bella Herring (X24 Skipper) and Amber Clark (X24 Skipper) who have all finished the two studies (paper cut and sharpie block design) in class and also their extended study (Artist research).

All three of these students are now well on the way to creating a lovely charcoal study for their developing and exciting art portfolio.

Alfie Lockey:

Amber Clark:

Bella Herring:

Well done Alfie, Amber and Bella! Keep up the good work!

This week Crew Earhart are focusing on the importance of HOWLs. In the community meeting on Friday the students were given their crew average for HOWLs. Currently crew Earhart’s average is:

Work Hard = 3.35

Get Smart = 3.35

Be Kind = 3.46

Although we appear to be achieving well in our HOWLs, there are some students who are not quite achieving the minimum expectation and need crew to help support and challenge them.

Therefore as a crew we will be analysing our own and our peers current attainment in HOWLs and making a conscious effort to help each other to improve. Students will be expected to make academic pledges to ensure they are actively working on this and encouraged to speak to teachers to gain clarity on the grade they were given.

A great first session readdressing the purpose of what it means to work hard, get smart and be kind. I am looking forward to the discussion in crew over the next few days.