This check in for our crew google hangout this week was ‘What are you grateful for?’. I shared a doc that crew could add to and as I suspected, their answers were all pretty similar. Here’s what they said:

  • The sunshine
  • Having a garden that I can go out in
  • WiFi
  • All the members of my family are safe and healthy
  • The internet
  • My family 
  • My friends
  • My pets
  • My crew
  • I am grateful for my mum and stepdad because even though they are really stressed with work because they are supplying oxygen for the hospitals they are still providing food on the table and clean clothes for me to wear everyday and they make sure that all my needs are done.
  • The NHS working long shifts to help those who are vulnerable.
  • That I get to video call my Nana and Grandad lot
  • Asda Click & collect
  • Swingball and Trampoline
  • The fact I have a roof over my head
  • I have food and water 
  • I have amazing people in my life
  • The fact I go to one of the best schools in the uk 😉
  • Football
  • Hot tub 
  • Education 

As you can see – that is a LOT that we feel grateful for. I think on the difficult days during lockdown – this is the kind of list that we need to read to remind ourselves of all the great things we have around us. It was lovely to see crew being so grown up about this situation. I am so proud of them.

We decided, during out google hangout on a task that we could work together on that might help other students (and teachers!) on what to do if you get really bored during lockdown. These are crew EJN’s top tips on how to cure lockdown boredom:

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I hope crew EJN have given you a few ideas!

Stay safe!

Miss Jones and crew

Some more examples of beautiful work being created by XP and XP East pupils.

Week 3:

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Week 4:

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We are so impressed with your work! Well done.

The Expeditionary Arts Team – Miss Jones, Mr Jackson, Mrs Cross and Mr Robins.

Working hard and getting smart

I have been looking through the work that crew EJN have been doing whilst they have been in lockdown. Some pupils are finding the whole situation more difficult to adjust to than others (which is totally understandable). Everyone deals with things in their own way. I have emphasised this during our crew google hangouts and explained that they need to be kind to themselves and just try their best.

Whilst tracking the work that crew have been completing I have noticed that Nida, Arthur, Tammy and Harrison are consistently completing tasks that they been set. These students have been working extremely hard and I’m really proud of them.

Here are some examples of their work:

Keep up the good work crew….and remember – if you need any help or support with any of the tasks you have been set – make sure you contact your subject teachers (or me)

Keep safe.

Beautiful work by our amazing pupils

I wanted to take this opportunity to to congratulate every single pupil at XP and XPE who has completed any of the home learning tasks over the last two weeks.

I commend your dedication to your education in this very strange time!

It has been an absolute pleasure to see your artwork and has really brought a smile to our faces. So thankyou for that.

I wanted to share some of the work that has been sent to us over the last two weeks – so it could make you smile too!

Week 1:

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Week 2:

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Carry on being creative, be safe and keep in touch (we love to see your work)

Thanks again from the expeditionary arts team (Miss Jones, Mr Jackson, Mrs Cross and Mr Robins).

Crew EJN are adjusting

Crew EJN had their first google hangout video chat on Tuesday. Callum, Tammy, Harrison, Brandan and Arthur checked in. It was so nice to see their faces and just have a general chat about how they are finding things at home.

There were some worries and concerns from a few of my crew that they were going to ‘get depressed’ while they were off. I told them that this is a very strange time and that they’re going to have a lot of ups and downs. At first, they might think that its fun and exciting to be off school and to have free time – but sometimes, its not that good really. I told them that their routine has been totally changed and that is totally out of their control. I told them that even though I sound like a boring, old lady – that the best thing they can do is be kid to themselves, eat well, sleep well (not too much), make sure they go out for fresh air and exercise and try and do their school work. Just to try their best!

It would be lovely for the whole crew to get together for the next hangout so we can catch up, do a quiz or make each other laugh. I might make us a crew Kahoot!

We have also kept in touch by using the google chat facility that we have access to which has been really good for asking about the work that has been set and getting advice and support (again, not all of crew EJN are active in that chat – and it would be really good if everyone got involved asap).

I have created a shared slide show for crew EJN to document their time in ‘lockdown’ so they can look back on it and reflect on the things they did with their time. I have also been updating them on what my daughter and I have been doing. I have found that this has helped me realise that I am actually doing OK and don’t need to worry too much.

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Crew EJN were treat to breakfast during crew time today. They worked great as a team to prepare toast and hot drinks and also cleaned up the room really well.

It was a really good way to end this term and have a bit of a chill and chat while we were discussing ‘kindness’. A student from crew had created a presentation all based round the importance of kindness to others and how unkind behaviour and actions can really affect someone and hurt their feelings.

It was a lovely atmosphere and pupils got their fill of biscuits, toast, brioche rolls, hot chocolate, tea and coffee!!

Crew EJN out litter picking this morning

Crew EJN were on ‘Clean Up’ this morning. We were lucky with the weather – even though it was cold and fresh, the sun was shining (and I think it woke them all up a bit!)

They were a little shocked at just how much litter had found its way onto the school grounds from the car park.


Good work crew EJN! A great way to be stewards of your school!

Year 8 students have been experimenting with oil pastels this term in their art sessions to create some beautiful sunset inspired blends. Can’t wait to see the finished pieces.

A big thankyou to everyone who donated!

Thankyou to everyone who donated money on Friday and wore their Christmas jumpers! It was lovely to see so many happy, smiley faces.

XP raised a total of £147.20.

This is a fantastic amount which will be sent to ‘Save the Children’ so it can be used to help children build a better future.