Reconnecting with Crew Thunberg

It’s been great to be back so far this term! We’ve been spending time getting back into the routines of working hard, getting smart and being kind.


On our Tranquil Tuesdays reading sessions, we’ve started a new book called Pet by Nigerian  author Akwaeke Emezi. This book has been sparking some great discussions in crew as it address some quite challenging themes. I’ve been so impressed with how maturely crew Thunberg have approached the issues that this book touches on.

We’ve also taken the time to challenge ourselves to engage in something a bit more sporty by playing dodgeball against other crews. It has been lovely for me to spend time with Crew Thunberg doing something like this, as I don’t get a chance to see them when they’re doing PE. I was blown away by the sportsmanship and the drive and determination shown by everyone in crew Thunberg.

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Attendance has also been fantastic in crew so far — it’s great to see everyone turning up to school every day prepared and ready to do their best!


Well done on an excellent start, Crew Thunberg!!


Crew Blessed Reconnecting

Crew Blessed have been enjoying reconnecting in recent weeks.

It’s been great to get back into Mindful Mondays. Today we wrote positive postcards for staff who have supported us.

Tranquil Tuesdays have been relaxing with some focused reading going on and we have taken responsibility for our own HOWLs in Thoughtful Thursdays.

Wise Wednesdays have been great to get into too, with some meaningful face to face discussions about British Values.

During Crew today our learning target was: ‘I can explain how you can participate in politics and why political participation is important’

Our check in was a discussion around this satirical cartoon:

We then thought about why Marcus Rashford was so passionate about free school meals and whether or not you have to be a politician to be involved in politics.

We looked at the ways you can participate and why it is important that we do and use our voices.

Finally, we all participated in politics!

Crew Kahlo are back in the building!

So, we got through our first week back after Lockdown 3.0. It was a tiring week but we made it.

Crew hit off the week with a covid test before they were able to mix with their classmates. They did really well and were really sensible about it.

To end the week, X26 crew leaders thought that it would be good for pupils to blow off a little steam and have a couple of games of dodgeball.

I was really impressed with crew as we didn’t come last! Even though we were two crew members down.

I was particularly impressed with Arthur who was throwing the balls so so far and properly took poor Kolby out at one point! He was a great sportsman and said sorry for the powerful take-out.

I hope Nida won’t mind me sharing this – but I was so happy to receive the following photos of some artwork she has been working on this weekend based on the artist Luke Dixon that we are looking at in Y8 art sessions. Nida always works so hard and has a real talent for drawing. Everything she does is presented so neatly with great care and attention. Absolutely brilliant work Nida!

Fantastic week back crew! Roll on next week.



We made it!

So, we made it crew! A 9-week term online – WOWZER!

It’s been tough, but we have got through it.

There has been some wonderful work produced by crew Kahlo this term and they have worked so so hard and I’m really proud of them.

These last two weeks we have been able to log off lessons and have some time at the end of each school day to do something a little different.

The crew have been….

  • Building dens:
  • Taking time out to read.
  • Meditating and relaxing to music.
  • Creating their own perfect playlist of music.
  • Taking part in a rainbow photography challenge.









  • A world book day scavenger hunt










It’s been great to see the crew doing something a little bit different!

For our crew members that have been in school, they have been working off some of their energy by playing badminton, basketball, or busting out some shapes following ‘Just Dance’ routines with their friends. Look at Olivia go!!!

Have a relaxing 2 weeks off crew Kahlo and try to stay off those screens!

Crew Blessed – SLCs Complete!

With SLCs complete and the end of lockdown round the corner, we are also heading towards the end of term 3!

It’s been a challenging term and one that has really shown the power of us as individuals and as Crew. The strength students have shown to keep producing beautiful work and attending sessions so consistently has been incredible. Everyone should be really proud of themselves.

This was all encapsulated by their Student Led Conferences. Everyone spoke clearly about where they need to improve and equally about the work they are proud of. There were honest reflections that were discussed in a mature way that was often ahead of their years. This resulted in some very proud families and a very proud Crew Leader.

Here are some pictures from those meaningful SLC evenings…

Focus on checking in, communicating and connecting

With everything that is going on around us at the moment, it can sometimes be difficult to remember the most important stuff…. connecting, interacting, and looking after one another.

If you ask any member of crew Kahlo they will probably say that I say the same things over and over again like a broken record – but hopefully, they listen when I say (almost every morning)

‘Email me if you need me, let me know if there is anything wrong’

I say it because I mean it. I always tell them that I can’t help them unless they let me know what is the matter. That goes for all pupils at XP. Every single member of our staff wants each pupil to be safe and happy and will always be there if and when needed.

This is one of the reasons why each morning during our crew sessions we have a ‘check-in’, where each pupil is asked to share their thoughts in some way. I don’t know about other crews, but our check-ins ALWAYS spark some kind of discussion, debate, or even just an opportunity for us to have a bit of a laugh.

Here are some examples of our crew check-ins during lockdown 3.0:


Some of our check-ins provoke insightful and interesting revelations and others just make it very clear that crew Kahlo is a special little bunch who I fit in with perfectly.

My crew knows how much I love a cat meme.

Stay safe

Miss Jones

Crew Blessed SLCs… Up and Running!

We have had two excellent SLC evenings so far and it was fantastic to hear both Oscar and Ben speak so confidently about their strengths and weakness. They both knew what they needed to do to take their learning to the next level and equally, they could identify beautiful work that they were proud of.

A special mention has to go to Oscar, who has only been at XP a short time and this ‘online’ SLC was his first experience of this process. He coped really well and is quickly getting on board with how we do things. Well done young man!

It’s going to be a great week ahead, with lots more SLCs to come. I’m sure it will be a really positive experience for everyone!

Crew Pankhurst have been taking online SLCs in their stride this week. Very proud indeed 🙂

Rebecca’s HOWLs are phenomenal yet she continues to want to improve. Her hard work and determination are admirable.
Rebecca explained why she was proud of her assessment in Hums. She is mastering the technique of source analysis. Incredible stuff.Go for it Rebecca!

Check out that score of 4.2 in Rebeccas Hums assessment!

Ameen discussed his HOWLs. He was proud of his work in Maths and has made a pledge to push his History and Science score to a 3.0 by next SLCs. You can do it Ameen!
Ameen shared with us some extended study he was particularly proud of. Ameen told us how hard he had worked creating this piece of research.

Ameens’ research he did for Art.

Massive well done to Bobby as well! Wow. Theres no wonder you were student of the week.
I was really impressed that Bobby explained how he leads his own learning by implementing strategies for revision for his assessments. The result of his hard work is evident in his HOWLs. Bobby explained what he had learned in his first expedition ‘Fight the Power’ such as the gender pay gap and racism, it is clear Bobby is becoming a very socially aware young person. Keep working hard, getting smart and being kind Bobby 🙂

On Friday, I had the pleasure of hosting our weekly community meeting for X26. I wanted to take the opportunity to speak to my crew and their peers about seeing the positives in life at the moment.

I started our online hangout by asking pupils to have a think about what this quote means:

One of the explanations from a student was ‘When you’re unhappy you don’t feel like doing anything but when you’re more positive you have more energy and you’re happier ‘. I have to say that I agree with this. 

I described my own feelings about lockdown 3.0 and the fact that we are working in a very different way. We are all going to have good days and bad days but we must remind ourselves of the positives.

It’s very easy to think negatively about ourselves, about a situation, or about an event that has happened or is about to happen. However, it’s really important that we find positive thoughts to keep us happy and feeling good. 

Finding the positives isn’t easy and is a skill that we definitely have to work on.

Last week, I asked all the teachers of Year 8 to give me some feedback about how pupils are getting on with their online learning.

I was so impressed and it genuinely gave me a warm fuzzy feeling being able to share this feedback with X26 and especially crew Kahlo.

Look at this lot!
