X25 DofE Fridays-Skill

We hope everyone has had a great half term and ready for the next term. As part of the students Duke of Edinburgh silver award they will be completing an hour towards their skill award on Friday afternoons. At the end of last term students chose which skill they wanted to complete. Students have chosen between sewing, beauty and board games.

We have a couple of board games in school but would be great if you have any at home that we can borrow for students to make the most of this time.


We are really looking forward to the students completing their DofE.



X25 crew leaders.

Students today and tomorrow who hold prescribed medication at school will be handed back their medication.  Students who require medication to be taken at school in the new term 2021/22 will be required to fill in the medication form.

The Google form is required to be filled in and then press send.  This then gives staff consent to administer medication and for it to be kept on school premises.

Please ensure Inhalers, Epi-pens and other prescribed medications are sent into school with the child’s name and expiry date clearly visible.

Physical Friday, X25 Duke of Edinburgh Award

X25 took part in a selection of sports activities on Friday afternoon which will contribute towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. Students had to pick from futsal, rounders or a 5km walk/run. The weather stayed nice and dry with even a bit of sunshine coming through the clouds.

All the students were amazing and everyone took part in something. It was great to see on a Friday afternoon.


Crew Stan Lee are back with a bang!!

Crew Stan Lee are back after an eggcellent …… Easter break!

This week crew have chosen their physical activity for the Duke Of Edinburgh Award.

Choices ranged from Rounders, Futsal or a 5k run/walk. Crew were super excited and really looking forward to Friday afternoons.

We have completed a self assessment task looking at HOWL grades and reflected on each others self assessments, this will be a great tool moving forward, helping us all up the XP mountain and giving us the tools reach our full potential by working hard, getting smart and being kind.

Over the next few weeks we be looking at our choice GCSE and careers going forward, as a crew we are on an exciting journey and I can’t wait to see to what the future holds!


Rebecca Pulham

(Crew Leader)

A rest from our screens….

Crew Stan Lee have been completing various activities to promote enjoying a screen free session.

We’ve learnt new skills from cooking, baking, mastering football skills and even learning a new language.

I even learnt a new skill of maintaining my car by refilling the screen wash and topping up the air in my tyres.

We completed random acts of kindness by helping our families with chores and making lunch for our siblings.

Yesterday was all about relaxation and boy did they relax… crew read, listened to music and even went for a run.

Our screen free activity today is Den building or writing a creative comic strip or story board. I cannot wait to see what crew come up with as they are a creative bunch.

Here is a collection of images to showcase what we have been up to.

Proud As Punch!

Congratulations to Crew Stan Lee for all completing their Passage Presentation!

All smiles as passage was over!!

To say that Passage Presentation has been tough this year is a slight understatement, due to students completing it virtually.

Crew Stan Lee have all worked extremely hard and produced some fantastic presentations, all students presented their work to their parents, crew leader and a mystery guest.

I was brought to tears by the passion shown by our crew and the dedication to their own learning.

I feel confident that crew members are ready to move on to the next phase on their journey through XP.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Mrs Pulham.



Y9 Student of the Week

Year 9 student of the week goes to Luke in Crew Stan Lee.

Luke you have been nominated by myself and several of your teachers for working so hard this week and term in sessions and preparing for your Passage Presentation.

We have been really impressed with your contributions during online sessions, your improved attendance online compared to the previous lockdown and the mature manner in which you have prepared yourself for Passage.

Mrs Pullham has expressed how proud she is of you and how impressed she is with your attitude to learning. I am looking forward to being a part of your Passage Presentation and hearing you reflect on your journey through XP.

It won’t be long before we return to school. Let’s keep up this impressive attitude to learning when we return to school. It will have a significant impact on your HOWLS and academic grades if you continue the way you have started this term.

Very impressed young man! Well done. 🙂

X25 Y9 Bubble Closure Timetable

Following the closure of our Y9/X25 bubble, we will now move to an online educational provision as shown below – this has proved to be highly effective in supporting students in other year bubble closures as engagement rates have regularly been above 95%.

Here is our protocol for online learning:

  • all Crew sessions and lessons will take place LIVE via Google Hangout and the timetable is highlighted below.
  • students will receive input from teachers and have time to complete activities on Google Classroom.
  • students are registered in Crew (8.30am), at the beginning of the morning session (9.15am) and afternoon session (1.15pm).
  • all students are expected to join each session.  If a student is absent, Crew Leaders will contact home to ascertain the reason why. If a student is unable to join a session, for example, they are unwell, we ask parents to please contact the office.
  • Crew Leaders and Expedition teachers will send Google Hangout invitations to their classes.
  • invites for live sessions will be sent through email.

RSPCA Virtual Expert

Just before crew Stan Lee went into insolation we had a google hangout with Clair Tucker who is the fundraising coordinator for the RSPCA which is our chosen charity.

Clair was a wealth of knowledge who spoke about how the RSPCA was formed and how more than ever there is a need for the shelter.

Covid 19 has been decremental to charities as they haven’t been able to do their usual fundraising and so crew Stan Lee want to help.

Crew are looking for donations of dog and cat toys which we could deliver for Christmas. Please donate if you can.

Mrs Pulham

This Friday Crew continues with their first aid for Duke of Edinburgh. Crew looked at what to do when someone is having a diabetic emergency. Crew also independently researched possible causes and treatments of type 1 and 2 diabetes. Crew showed great maturity in group discussions and are well on their way to be trained first aiders. Great work this week everyone!

Mrs Burnitt and Mrs Pulham