X25 Get To Work!

X25 completed their work experience last week and it has been great to have a check in to see what they have all been doing. I think some members of year 11 really got an insight into the type of job they might want to go into within the next few years and also the working life. It was fantastic to hear such great feedback from their work experience employers who commented on how hard students were working, how they would offer them a job and how punctual they were to start the day!

X25 are now back on it- focussed ready for their Mock exams that are due to start in a couple of weeks.

Great work year 11 – keep it up!

C25 (Y10) – WHAT A WEEK!

We had the pleasure of holding our Y10 Awesomeness community meeting this week – and what a week it’s been for Year 10!

It took us AGES to get through all of the appreciations, along with a bit of a ‘cultural reset’ focusing on apologies and stands this week, too. Some Y10s showed great courage and integrity!

Check out the masses of praise postcards below – a special shout out to this week’s crew superstars!

We’re proud of you, C26!

Miss Cocliff & Mrs Parker x

Manchester City football match

Wednesday 2nd November

Meet at XP East sportshall at 16.30.

Return after midnight, pick up at XP rovers car park, we will contact parents on the way home to let them know arrival time. There could be delays due to traffic coming out of the ground or on the motorway.

Students can bring a packed lunch for the coach or get food before. Students will need warm clothing and can bring money to buy refreshments in the stadium.

Any further questions please contact Miss O’Grady

[email protected]

C25 Praises from Community Meeting

Awesomeness community meetings are ALWAYS our favourites! It’s so lovely to see staff appreciating students for their hard work during the week, and to hear students making appreciations, apologies and stands! We also heard some great pledges for moving into next term – such as aiming to increase Work Hard grades, aiming to improve getting smart grades with revision, and attending learning labs during lunchtime and after school.

Check out the magnificent amount of praise postcards for Y11 this week, in our final awesomeness community meeting of this half term! Kyle stole the show this week! Well done!

We’re super proud of you 🙂

Miss Cocliff & Mrs Parker x

Crew Kahlo putting the hours in at home

I wanted to show some pieces of work that Olivia, Jessy and Nida have been working on at home.

All three girls have really impressed me with their work ethic and are showing how they ‘Get Smart’.

Olivias Hums work:

Jessy’s artwork:

Nida’s artwork:

Crew Blessed powering towards the end of this half term!

It’s been another productive and hard working week from Crew Blessed.

Several students used Crew time effectively to do some Science revision and support each other. Zach was offering out his wise words as Alana and Luke absorbed as much information as they could.

The praises from other sessions have been rolling in too this week with these being given just yesterday.

This is great work Crew, lets keep it going right up to half term – 1 more week! Well done!

X26 (Y10) Maths Moguls!

A super shout out today for Nida & Oscar S in Maths – they produced some fantastic work and strengthened their knowledge about factorisation. Look at how beautiful Nida’s book looks – amazing Craftsmanship & Quality!

I was mightily impressed by Admiral today – additional ‘well done’s’ to Shaurya & Kolby, Lucy & Rebecca, & Liam!

Keep up the great work, Admiral!

Miss Cocliff x

Crew Kahlo starting Year 10

Crew Kahlo has made a great start to their fourth year at XP (How time flies).

Our crew week was a bit different this year which consisted of:

  • A crew day to check in with each other and set expectations for the year ahead
  • A day of team-building activities to help us communicate and work better together (which we won!)
  • A coastal walk at the lovely Flamborough to have a chance to walk and chat in the lovely fresh air
  • A crew presentation to answer the guiding question ‘How can we get everyone to the top of their mountain?’.

Crew Blessed Superstars!

It’s a pleasure to get feedback from teachers of our Crew recently, with so many of them doing so well. We had 3 students named in the top 5 praise list this week – Ebony, Oscar and Cejay!

Liam was also our student of the week for his amazing consistency everyday.

It was also good to pop into their class today and see some productive reading going on from Alana, Ben and Oscar.

Crew Blessed up and running!

Members of Crew Blessed have made a fantastic start academically this term as well as showing great character traits.

This morning in Crew other students were celebrating how Luke had been supporting Year 7’s at lunchtimes and making sure they were involved in lunchtime activities. Well done Luke for showing great kindness – a fantastic role model!

Alana and Ben were given great feedback in HUMAN last week. The positivity just keeps flowing.

Well done everyone in Crew for making such a positive start to Year 10 – lets keep it up!