Crew EJN being creative!

Crew EJN have produced some beautiful work based on the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky during lockdown.

By Nida

By Tammy

By Bryan

By Arthur

By Jessy

By Olivia

They have also started their new expedition ‘Above all, compassion’ off with a bang by designing a storyboard to show the environmental changes during ‘The Lorax’.

By Harrison

By Arthur

By Jessy

There is a website that has been created especially for this expedition to help pupils find the tasks that they need to complete and to give them extra guidance. The link for the website is here.

Keep up the good work crew and remember that I want you to concentrate on the most recently set tasks on google classroom and try to meet your deadlines. If you fell behind with the work from the beginning of lock down – that needs to be done after you finish the new work.

Take care and stay safe!

Some more examples of beautiful work being created by XP and XP East pupils.

Week 3:

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Week 4:

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We are so impressed with your work! Well done.

The Expeditionary Arts Team – Miss Jones, Mr Jackson, Mrs Cross and Mr Robins.

Beautiful work by our amazing pupils

I wanted to take this opportunity to to congratulate every single pupil at XP and XPE who has completed any of the home learning tasks over the last two weeks.

I commend your dedication to your education in this very strange time!

It has been an absolute pleasure to see your artwork and has really brought a smile to our faces. So thankyou for that.

I wanted to share some of the work that has been sent to us over the last two weeks – so it could make you smile too!

Week 1:

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Week 2:

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Carry on being creative, be safe and keep in touch (we love to see your work)

Thanks again from the expeditionary arts team (Miss Jones, Mr Jackson, Mrs Cross and Mr Robins).

Year 8 students have been experimenting with oil pastels this term in their art sessions to create some beautiful sunset inspired blends. Can’t wait to see the finished pieces.

X23’s tonal self portraits looking amazing!

Y10 have been working extremely hard to get their tonal self portraits finished for their ‘Christmas Style Lecture’ that is due to take place next week.

Pupils have looked at portraits through history in order to help them with their own self portraits.

Pupils have been asked to plan a background for their portraits to show aspects of their character and what makes them who they are. They have all been asked to create a rough plan in their sketchbook. Here are some examples:

Pupils now need to complete their background and mount their tonal self portraits onto them.

Here is one in progress:

Im looking forward to seeing this piece of work completed and displayed next week! Well done X23! Keep up the fantastic work!

A number of students from X24 have been working extremely hard both in lesson and also in the completion of their extended study. They have completed these tasks to a high standard and also made sure that they have been handed in on time.

The students that I would like to give a special mention to are Alfie Lockey (X24 Admiral), Bella Herring (X24 Skipper) and Amber Clark (X24 Skipper) who have all finished the two studies (paper cut and sharpie block design) in class and also their extended study (Artist research).

All three of these students are now well on the way to creating a lovely charcoal study for their developing and exciting art portfolio.

Alfie Lockey:

Amber Clark:

Bella Herring:

Well done Alfie, Amber and Bella! Keep up the good work!

X23 Skipper have been introduced to the ‘grid method’ in their art session today. They have looked at the artist Chuck Close who uses this method to create large scale photorealistic portraits.

He uses this method to ensure that the proportions are accurate. He us able to look at each individual section so he isn’t overwhelmed or overpowered by the whole image, breaking it down into more manageable areas which he can work through methodically.

Students looked at a piece of his work and used the grid method to start re-drawing his work at a slightly larger scale:

As you can see – Skipper have made an excellent start with these!

They will be using this method to create their own self portrait very soon!

Well done X23 Skipper!

X24 have been giving kind, specific and helpful peer critiques to each other to make improvements to create beautiful work.

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They have been looking at lino cuts by an artist called Karl Schmidt. They have chosen two different designs to produce two A3 designs:

  • One using a black sharpie pen on white paper
  • One using a craft knife to carefully cut back paper.

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