Crew Webb Get on Top of Revision

Crew Webb are creating revision timetables to get a head start on their mocks, which will take place later this term. They mapped out all their exams, how much time to devote to each, and how to fit their revision in between school and extracurricular activities. This will help them manage their time and keep stress to a minimum.

The Year 11 class timetable shows just how many subjects students need to prepare!

It’s fantastic that Crew Webb are working hard and taking responsibility for their upcoming mocks. Mrs. Batty and I are so impressed with their commitment to their learning. Fab work Crew Webb!

X24 History, getting started with revision!

Students this week have been given their own copy of the revision guide for our History exam board OCR B SHP History. All students should have named their copy so that if they are misplaced they can be returned. Students are encouraged to annotate and highlight the guide as they carry out their revision.

The revision guide has a number of different topics, however, students will need to focus on the following sections for revision:

  • The Elizabethans 
  • The People’s Heath 
  • Living under Nazi Rule 

The locations of these topics can be found in the contents page. We would recommend in general students start by revising The People’s Health as well as focusing on page 88 in order to prepare for the upcoming assessment in lessons. 

If any student has been absent when these revision guides were handed out, they can see myself or Mrs Hannam directly and we will make sure they get their copy.


A further revision guide focusing on the Viking Expansion will be issued to students in the coming weeks.



Crew Webb Walk Flamborough!

After a rocky start on Thursday (when the coach broke down!), Crew Webb did their walk at Flamborough on Friday 3rd September. Our crew walked from South Landing to North Landing, with a stop at the lighthouse for lunch. The total distance was about 7.7 kilometres, and took about two hours to complete.

The weather was cloudy and dry, but the grey skies didn’t make the views any less spectacular. Students saw rock formations, sea birds, and seals!

This was a brilliant opportunity to reconnect as Crew, and students and staff had a great day. Great work Crew Webb!

Students today and tomorrow who hold prescribed medication at school will be handed back their medication.  Students who require medication to be taken at school in the new term 2021/22 will be required to fill in the medication form.

The Google form is required to be filled in and then press send.  This then gives staff consent to administer medication and for it to be kept on school premises.

Please ensure Inhalers, Epi-pens and other prescribed medications are sent into school with the child’s name and expiry date clearly visible.

Students in Year 11 (C24) will be going on a coastal walk to Flamborough on Thursday 2nd September 2021.
All students will be expected to bring the Outdoor Kit listed below;

Appropriate rucksack for walking
Packed lunch
Water bottle – Approx 2 litres.
Waterproof Outer Jacket
Appropriate walking trousers/shorts/leggings.
Walking top/base layer – Made from synthetic, man made material (polyester, nylon etc). This type of material removes sweat away from your skin keeping you cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.
Appropriate outdoor shoes (trainers, walking shoes or walking boots are compulsory)
Sun hat
Sun cream
Medication – (As required to individual needs).
For further information or questions please email [email protected] or your child’s crew leader.

We are super excited to be taking C24 out on fieldwork on Thursday, 1st July.

We have arranged to take the whole of Y10 to Shrewsbury Prison, to support our final expedition of the year: Karma Police – have we got justice right?

Shrewsbury Prison was decommissioned in 2013 and now provides an “interactive prison experience” for visitors. It was also recently used as the location for BBC’s drama ‘Time’, which gave a harrowing picture of prison life.

We’re not giving too much away about the activities we’ve got planned for students, but we promise not to leave any of them locked in the cells 😉

We are booked in at the prison at 9.30am meaning that we do have to set off between 6.45am-7am at the latest.  If this is a problem for anyone, please let your Crew Leader know as soon as possible.

We will be leaving the prison at approx 1pm, so hope to be back at school between 3.30-4pm, traffic dependant. We will update socials on the day.

Please make sure students wear comfortable clothes and take a jacket as it can become cold in the prison and sensible shoes. Students will also need a packed lunch and sufficient water for the day. Please don’t pack any products containing nuts in packed lunches as we are a nut-free school!  If your child is in receipt of free school meals, a packed lunch will be provided for them.

Y10 Christmas Hamper / Food Boxes

Our Y10 Silver DofE students have been unable to undertake their usual charity fundraising activities this year, so they’ve decided to create food hampers for our local food banks.

We’re all very aware of the financial impact the various lockdown/tier 3 restrictions have had on our community, especially on those who have been furloughed or are self employed and unable to work.  So, in addition to the staple non-perishable items (cereals; tinned and packeted foods; tea/coffee/juice) we are specifically asking for donations of those ‘treat’ items that some families may have to go without this year.

For example:

  • nice biscuits
  • chocolates/selection boxes
  • Christmas crackers
  • mince pies, cakes, etc.
  • small gift sets (e.g. hand cream/deodorant)

If you are able to contribute, please can you send items in to be passed on to your child’s Crew Leader by Monday 15th December.

The hampers will be donated to St John The Evangelist Church in Balby and The Trussell Trust at Christ Church during the last week of term.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

Mrs Mawby, Miss Cocliff, Mrs Batty, Mrs Collinson and Miss Wilmot (Crew Leaders Year 10)

Crew Webb HOWLing on Flexible Friday

Crew Webb showed their habits of work and learning during our Duke of Edinburgh session this week by working on their outdoor first aid skills. Students worked in teams to examine case studies of outdoor scenarios that they might face in future Duke of Edinburgh expeditions once Covid restrictions change. Once Crew Webb worked through the case studies, they prepared presentations demonstrating the steps they would take to provide first aid in each case. Great teamwork and beautiful work on a Friday afternoon!


Crew Webb’s academic success

With the new term and expedition now well under way our check in today was focused on sharing a piece of work from the last few weeks that we were pleased with or proud of.

It was great to see examples from Art, English and Spanish as well as History.

Here are Crew Webb’s choices:

Charlie shared his 3D mask making designs. He has used both his Ipad and more traditional techniques when developing his Steam Punk creation.

Tristan,  Loris,  Kyra, Sam and Eleanor shared their History assessment on living conditions in the Medieval Period.

Amber also picked her Medieval living conditions assessment but also some of her Spanish work that she had drafted and improved. It’s great to see Crew Webb getting smart through revision and redrafting.

Here is Lara’s beautifully annotated version of the poem Living Space 

Tom and Kyle choose their work from 2D and 3D art. Here is Tom’s view finder study and Kyle’s steam punk helmet on Boba Fett! Beautiful work boys!